How to Rewrite an Article Without Plagiarizing

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Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room. Article rewriting is a thing, and it is bound to stay. While some think that rewriting is a way to cheat the system, we know that it is one of the best ways to put out relevant, updated information for those who need it.

The term “rewrite” is a sort of a misnomer and is probably the reason for the practice to be a form of cheating instead of writing things in your own words. Marketers need to reframe this thinking by reminding themselves of this simple fact: there is no original content. Articles, or copy, about certain topics may have already been written probably hundreds or thousands of times before.

Article Webpage

Redeeming Article Rewriting

Don’t take our word for it, Mark Twain (had he been alive, would qualify as the best article rewriter in modern times), believed that there is no such thing as an original idea. According to Twain, almost all ideas are recycled from other ideas, whether on purpose or accidentally, due to some collective unconscious process.

This means, even if you aim to generate high-quality content, you may still be borrowing some thoughts from another copy that have been written in the past.

Written content has existed since the dawn of time and with the speed of information technology in the past two decades, there is very little that may have been left unsaid. Advanced algorithms also played a part in disseminating information faster than we can keep up with.

Disadvantages of Rewriting Articles from Other Sources (like AI)

The truth is that rewriting got a bad reputation from those who mindlessly use tools and publish without checking the content. That is probably the worst example of content writing which stinks and can be identified by people and search engines alike without much difficulty.

These people think an article rewriter tool is a gold mine they can exploit, not knowing how many disservices they are doing to those trying to do it right for the people. Article writing should be done thoughtfully and to be clear and helpful. This will never happen with rewriting tools, especially with AI. Imagine, Ai would be a bad essay rewriter because it won’t understand context.

But do take note that AI has its place. It is a great tool. But with great power comes great responsibility. If you use AI, you should not leave everything in the arms of artificial intelligence. You should still be in control at the end of the day to know that you have put out quality rewritten articles for your audiences.

AI is not some rewrite article button that you press. You have to use it with proper understanding and context. Use it as a sentence rewriter, alter the sentence structure, to rewrite articles, for article spinning, or as a paragraph rewriter. But as with any tool, you still have to take control of it and steer it to the right direction.

Advantages of Hiring a Professional Writer and Article Rewriter

Now, if you want to get quality content for your blog, website, or social media content, hiring a professional writer is the key. A good content writer will know plenty of advanced techniques to make a rewrite look like a unique content.

A professional writer is someone who communicates your message well to a greater audience to see how advantageous they are over AI or automated writing tools. It’s funny because some writers are so good that they seem to have their own rewrite button themselves.

But what they have is years of experience, understanding of textual content, and other tools and crucial things that make their output stand out. After all, they have the best tool at hand: a human brain. In light of comparing it with an AI tool, they have a sentence changer, text spinner, plagiarism remover, text rewriter, and ability to rewrite content at their command which makes it seem like what they are doing is just an easy task.

The most obvious advantage of a professional writer is their human touch. No artificial intelligence can duplicate or copy how humans relate to each other. Human intelligence is also something beyond the reach of AI for now or ever.

Professional content writers also know how to make their output appeal to readers and SEO. Sure, with an automated article rewriter, you can create as many articles as possible with a button. Still, most of these will just be repetitions of information taken elsewhere, which is seldom the case with a professional writer.


quality content for your blog


Benefits Of Rewriting Old Content or Articles

Now that’s out of the way, here are some main reasons you should rewrite old content or articles.

You Get Fresh Content

You can rewrite an old post or content using a new approach. This can be in the form of a new style, like a more casual approach, or with new information.

Write at least 50% more value to the post to have a better content. Now, if you did your work in the first stage, this can be a tall order, but don’t be fazed because if a research paper backs the copy, it will virtually write itself.

You Have a New Content to Promote

Believe us, your followers know if you re-wrote content, which is why you should not be so secretive about it, provided that you wrote the content yourself in the first place.

This will even seem like a good thing because your audience will see that you care enough to look at the accuracy of the facts you presented to them. When you’re rewriting articles, make sure you promote them to all platforms you are using. This way, people will be informed, and those interested in it will check it out.

If you had a good-performing content in the past, this may also be one way of gaining new grounds and reaching new audiences of the same interest. Google will also see that your content is new because of the edited timestamp. So, you get plenty of benefits.

Plagiarism Checker: Article Rewriter’s Last Stand

A plagiarism check tool is a great online tool that’s easy to access for just about anyone. It is a great way to keep your website from any penalty or keep you from having a bad impression from your audience.

It is good to have one handy at hand and use it before the editing process. Even a free one can help you identify if you’ve been a good rewriter or not. Plagiarized content is one of the worst things you can do. It can damage your reputation more than anything else.

A checker is one handy tool but it doesn’t completely assure that you would have the plagiarism free version of what you rewrite. But, to be honest, nothing is totally free from plagiarism in one way or another. At some level, you may have unique posts, but you may be surprised that what you thought was different was not so much when you look deep enough.


detects duplication from online content


How to Actually Rewrite Copy in Your Own Words

Don’t just use a rewriting tool, put a little more effort when rewriting content. After all, all the effort you need to put in is already made for you. Here are simple steps you can follow to write content that will be plagiarism free.

  1. Read the writeup you want to write and find the main idea and take note of it throughout the process.
  2. Find out how you can find a way to rephrase the words without losing the thought. The more words you replace, the better.
  3. Make notes of things that may need to be updated and replace them or let the audience know that you are changing words and thoughts in it.
  4. When rephrasing the content, rewrite whole sentences instead of just replacing words. Avoid plagiarism by reducing the use of too many quotes from the source.
  5. Finally, cite the sources and use a plagiarism tool to clean up the output.


Bet you’re wondering if this is an example of a rewritten article. That is up to you to decide. But we stay true to what Twain said and just make do, and at that, we do our best.

That is not to say that this is a bleak exercise. Rewriting is a great way to hone your skills and an enjoyable one too. However, as with everything, ensure that the information you put out has quality content so that people will read your content and feel that you provided them with good value.

As a rule of thumb, just make your message clear and give value to your audiences and cater to the search engine giant second. You and your audience will have a better life.