Why You Should Update Old Blog Posts

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There are so many reasons to update your old blogs, but the main reason is to offer fresh, relevant information to readers. Up-to-date content can draw visitors to your website while possibly converting them into new customers.

Many people don’t realize that an old post can bring high volumes of web traffic when updated regularly. In fact, your oldest posts can be your best content marketing strategy.

HubSpot, for example, has almost tripled its leads by simply optimizing blog posts every month. After updating old blog content, they were successful to boost organic traffic by 106%; huge results for a big company.

Keep reading to learn how often you should update content, if it’s okay to republish older blog posts, and whether will it affect your SEO after updating posts and existing content.


Updating Old Blog Post


How Often Should You Update Old Blog Posts?

There’s no specific guideline on how often to update blog posts, you just need to consider your goals in determining the frequency. A rule of thumb, however, is when your blog post ranks becomes irrelevant, that’s when you should update them.

The accuracy of some information may not be accurate anymore after a few months. Posts that are not evergreen and don’s have relevant keywords should be updated to make them relevant again.

Another deciding factor is when they underperform in search engine rankings. Google algorithm delivers older pages that have been updated as top results.

Other indicators of when to update outdated content include when you change your business, have broken links, no meta description, content becomes old, and whenever you want to.

Should I Republish Past Blog Posts?

Google Analytics likes fresh and relevant content. So yes, you should republish your old posts and add internal links to generate more traffic to your older posts and improve search rankings.

This blog growth strategy includes creating links and publishing new blog posts in addition to updated content. You can use Google search console to measure your blog’s traffic.

If you’re not sure which ones to republish, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Republishing the most comprehensive post that is no longer relevant is important. Also, it helps fix any paragraph featured snippet and backlinks that don’t work anymore.

When your posts don’t reflect the current position of your business, it’s time to update your existing post so that your web pages will gain traffic as they should and have both internal link and external links.


google analytics


Does Updating A Blog Post Affect SEO?

Updating a new blog post to include search engine optimization is a great idea to find keywords and get an incredibly high traffic to that post. If more people read your updated post with secondary keywords, search intent can also boost your rankings on search results.

While each blog post URL is ranked individually, other posts can also influence your rankings. For instance, if you have 50 blog articles and only 5 of them are getting significant traffic, the other 45 posts will drag down the others.

Updating your post topic regularly while ensuring to include SEO best practices with target keyword can give you high Google rankings. Tweak your headlines and make them more captivating to your target audience in new content so that you can achieve page authority.

Wrapping It Up

Growing your blogs to hundreds of thousands of page views every month can help build your brand online. In fact, it is better to update old content than to publish new post, but be mindful of keyword stuffing. Also, make sure to consider the word count, meta title, internal linking, and organic keywords.

The key is to know how an updated blog post affects SEO in the long run. Updating old blog posts allows you to create more backlinks and meta descriptions with keyword rankings. So, are you ready to update your old blog post and rank on search engines in a few weeks?fd